

66h / 117a
,更新于 2024-10-20T10:31:29Z+08:00 by   dcd9ccd

[Linux] SSH

版权声明 - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

1 ssh

ssh lnh@deb1 -p 22

2 ssh-keygen

# Create RSA private(`id_rsa`) and public(`id_rsa.pub`) key pair.
ssh-keygen -t rsa

3 scp

# Copy file.
scp 1.txt lnh@deb1:/home/lnh/1.txt

4 ssh-copy-id

# Copy `id_rsa.pub` to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`.
ssh-copy-id -i id_rsa.pub lnh@deb1

5 sshd_config


RSAAuthentication     yes
PubkeyAuthentication  yes
AuthorizedKeysFile    .ssh/authorized_keys
上一篇 : [Linux] Bash Script
下一篇 : [Linux] systemd